Humans and Pets, the What's and the Why's, Just Some Simple Firestray Thoughts

Welcome to our new Blog!

Why we created this blog?

The reason is to bring awareness to people about their relationships with pets.


Because we see everyday the problematic nature of this exact interaction, at least from people that doesn't own one, and they see stray dogs as something that ruins their perfect placed unemotional life.

They would be very happy if they just wouldn't exist.

But they are on the streets. And it's mostly our fault.

Economic crisis to many countries has brought many houses in a situation that they just can't afford a dog, even if before this particular problem didn't exist.

Normal families, with normal people having the so called "perfect family" image has lost their jobs and have been unable to provide for their family the basics, and this leads them to kick their until now beloved dog or cat on the street.

One can only imagine how those pure creatures feel after this loss of connection of their

What someone can do to help those poor souls to have a better life?

The question is not as easy as it seems.

Since having a soul depending from you  is not a small task.

If you decide to own a pet, you have to consider all the responsibilities one has in order to provide everything that they need.

This includes, food, water, take him/her for a walk once or twice a day ( that is if you have a dog and not a cat), but also vaccines, take him/her to the veteranian, grooming him/her etc..

Let's not forget their toilet. Yes, this is not a small thing either...

If you teach your pet to do it outside, you will save some diapers, cleaning products, and some sanity too. 

Doing their toilet inside the house can drive you crazy, particularly if we are talking for a young dog, a puppy.

Until you teach them to go to their particular place, on their diaper, in the particular corner of the house, you will have to test your patience limits.

But, it comes with the package.

The happiness they will provide, the psychologic elevation that you will have and the laughter with their craziness, it's all worth it.

Feeling responsible for another soul makes you a better person, makes you feel usefull, makes you better as a person in general.

You suddenly learn to have patience, when you thought that this was a word of another language.

More understanding for a weaker being, which translates more kindness to other humans too.

You become more pleasant with others, because you understand that noone is perfect, not even you, and that means a lot for your well being.

Open your arms and put them in your family, and your family will not be the same again.

The bonding among the family members, the team spirit and the acceptance of a soul that doesnt belong to your species, makes a family attend the future with better foundations, with healthier relationships and the most important thing, the reason that we all came on this planet, more happiness! 

Firestray Army


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